How to BUY CEEKLAND from Presale NFT Land Sale Ceekland #ceek
Video information:
0:37 presale website
0:55 nft phase
1:35 nft phase 2
Hello guys today i’m gona show you purchace method for CEEKLAND nft. It is also presale method for CEEKLAND. that is also super easy.
Totally legal. I saw this method ceek fan discord channel. Ceek will be $1 as soon as posible.
How to get #CEEKLAND from #CEEK VR
1- go to official CEEK website and go below
2- there is a link to go ceekland. top. This website is ceekland nft sale website.
3-you should view my video and you can understand how to do.
It work for me 2 times. if any problem you can write down on comments i can help you in some case.
Thanks for watching
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