In a world where blockchain is day by day emerging as this innovative technology, you seem to wonder and think how else can we help rebuild a better community and provide help to areas where we need ? What else will be the next revolutionary step taken to advance and formulate the futrure.
In my search for the next master of cryptopia I came upon a somewhat promising gem – The cheforama ($CHEF) the first ever food and hospitality based web3 startup! CHEFORAMA brings blockchain technology into the hospitality industry to help eliminate centralized community norms by giving the power back to individuals and set up sustainable micro communities.
Toeknomics : 8% tax < 2% RnD & Ecosystem development < 2% community outreach < 2% marketing < 2% Cheforama Yacht club
Project info
✅ whitepaper
✅ locked liquidity
✅ doxxed team
✅ verified contract
✅ LLC formed – Marketing Boost coming!
✅ >10 k marketcap
✅ security audit and pannel initiated
✅ Host Security features
✅$CHEF launch on babyswap
✅ NFT marketplace beta launch
Contract :
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