# How to set up a Passive Income with Clock 24
# What is Clock 24?
The Best Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Rebase Protocol in Crypto!
* Highest Fixed APY — 1,284,615.72%
* First Automatic Staking and Compounding in Your Wallet!
* Get Rewards Every 10 Minutes / 144 Times in a Day!
# Clock 24 Token
$C24 description.
**C24 smart contract:** [0x950642c4c8f52ca8a7d4af62d5e040f33f07d700](https://bscscan.com/address/0x950642c4c8f52ca8a7d4af62d5e040f33f07d700)
$C24 is a Bep20 token with an elastic supply that rewards its holders with a positive rebase formula, thus creating the first AutoStaking and AutoCompouning token.
If the user invests $1000 worth $C24 for a period of 1 year at 0.018% compounding every 10 minutes. He will have $12,846,157.26 C24 after his investment maturity
**P = (Principle + Interest) = $1,000**
**A = (Total Accrued Amount) = $12,846,157.26**
# C24 AUDIT Report
**Solidity Finance Audit**: [https://github.com/solidproof/projects/tree/main/ClockX24](https://github.com/solidproof/projects/tree/main/ClockX24)
# Here is what you need to do to earn these high rewards?
You need to have your MetaMask Wallet. The way how to add the C24 Token is very easy. You have to participate in their fairlaunch and get at low price C24 tokens and hold it in your wallet. here is guide about Pinksale Fairlaunch: [https://docs.pinksale.finance/investing/how-to-buy-a-presale#:\~:text=To%20buy%20the%20presale%2C%20insert,5](https://docs.pinksale.finance/investing/how-to-buy-a-presale#:~:text=To%20buy%20the%20presale%2C%20insert,5).
Cx24 is revolutionizing decentralized finance with its auto-staking protocol: an innovative new financial protocol that will simplify and change fundamental staking, thanks to amplified automated staking yields, which offers an exponential APY. Auto-staking protocol CAP, grants $C24 native token, a delicate auto-staking and dialing functionality. Furthermore, the introduction of these features strengthens the token’s value proposition, as does the generation of a fixed APY every 10 minutes.
**Total supply**: 500,000 $C24
**Official Website**: [http://cx24.io](http://cx24.io/)
**Explorer**: [https://bscscan.com/address/0x950642c4c8f52ca8a7d4af62d5e040f33f07d700](https://bscscan.com/address/0x950642c4c8f52ca8a7d4af62d5e040f33f07d700)
# 🏆 Already Achieved 🏆
✔️ Yahoo Finance Coverage: [https://finance.yahoo.com/](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cx24-io-first-asset-multiplication-034500598.html)
✔️ Marketwatch Coverage: [https://www.marketwatch.com](https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/cx24io-first-asset-multiplication-protocol-in-every-10-minutes-auto-staking-upto-382945-apy-2022-03-21?mod=search_headline)
✔️ Solidproof base audit: [https://github.com/solidproof](https://github.com/solidproof/projects/tree/main/ClockX24)
✔️ Auto Rebase Staking Platform: [https://app.cx24.io/](https://app.cx24.io/)
✔️ TK\_Media Partnership: [https://twitter.com/bsc\_daily/status/1507239428149841921](https://twitter.com/bsc_daily/status/1507239428149841921)
✔️ Team Funds Lock on pinksale:
✔️ Pinksale Fairlaunch:
✔️ Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Discord Promotion
✔️ Documentation: [https://cx24.gitbook.io/clock-24-protocol/how-the-apy-is-calculated](https://cx24.gitbook.io/clock-24-protocol/how-the-apy-is-calculated)
✔️ Whitepaper: [https://cx24.io/whitepaper.pdf](https://cx24.io/whitepaper.pdf)
# [🎁](https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/) Future Plans [🎁](https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/)
Strategic partnership
Mobile App Development
Crosschain App Development
Desktop Application
Wallet Integration with EVM/NON EVM Compatible blockchain
# 📈 Tokenomics 📈
**Initial Supply —** 500,000
**Max Supply —** 5,000,000,000
**Available to Purchase on PinkSale Pre-Launch —** 261,438
**Tokens for Liquidity** — 133,333.38
**Token Breakdown —** 90,535 will be used for PancakeSwap to match 51% liquidity and remaining 37,185 will be used for marketing inc: Bounty Campaign (37,500), Airdrop (12500), CEX Listing (92721).
**Buy Trading Fees:**
2.0% — LP 1.0% — CIF 2% — Treasury 1% — Burning Pit
**Sell Trading Fees:**
3% — LP 1% — CIF 3% — Treasury 1% — Burning Pit
# 💰Fairlaunch 💰
# Platform: Pinksale.finance
**Date:** 26th March 13:00 UTC — 27th March 18:00 UTC
# ⚡Auto Staking and Rebase ⚡
**Platform:** [**https://app.cx24.io/**](https://app.cx24.io/)
**Date:** on Market Initialization (27th — 28th March, 2022) **Launch APY:** 1,284,615.72% APY
# 🎯 CEX Listing 🎯
**Date:** Within 1s week after Market Initialization
**Possible Exchanges:**
* KuCoin
* Huobi
* [Gate.io](https://gate.io/)
* Hotbit
* Xt.com
* Zb.com
**PancakeSwap Listing** — After initial fair Launch funding has completed we will go to market by creating the $C24/BNB liquidity pair within 24 hours.
Pre-Launch funds will be used to create the PancakeSwap $C24/BNB liquidity pair. This liquidity will be **locked for 75 years** via trusted [**PinkLock**](https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x5fe7492fc04092E610919E0301c2f0134cB9b284?chain=BSC).
Thus it is crucial, at this point, to draw a clear contrast between the product and service of Cx24 with other notable names, in order to avoid any misconceptions. Likewise, it is also absolutely necessary to differentiate the working of automated staking protocols with RFI to educate users about the loopholes in the latter’s framework.
# Comparison between standard staking and auto-staking
By contrast, the basic deviating factor between standard staking and automated staking is the set of operations that takes place in each staking protocol. The former usually comprises of a lengthy manual procedure which follows a set of time consuming steps in order to stake one’s funds. Among all the hustling steps to be followed, the most frustratingly complex step is to find the right staking pool according to one’s priorities; this can be exhausting because of plethora of options available on the internet, all of which are similar in one way or another, ultimately confusing a beginner.
# Comparison of CX24.io with other Olympus DAO forks
* **Safuu** offers a staking reward every **15 minutes**, whereas ***Cx24*** has reduced this time to reward distribution, **every 10 minutes**.
* **Safuu** offers return **96 time** a day, and ***Cx24*** offers return **144 times** a day, thus offering a drastically higher return rate than the former.
* **Safuu** offers a fixed APY of **122,234%**, while Cx24 offers a fixed APY of ***1,284,615.72*****%** which is 8x times higher than safuu APY**.**
The second protocol, **Titano** is a fork of **Olympus DAO**. It’s comparison with ***Cx24*** leads out following results
* **Titano** offers a fixed APY of **102,483.52%**, whereas **Cx24** offers a fixed APY of ***1,284,615.7***2**%.**
* **Titano** propose a daily rate on investment of **1.8666**%. On the contrary, **Cx24** offer a daily compounding of **144** **times**.
Hence, all of these aforementioned propositions supports **Cx24** **supremacy** over its counter protocols.
**For more information, Visit:**
[Website](http://cx24.io/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/clockx24) | [Telegram](https://t.me/clockx24) | [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/clockx24) |[Medium](https://clockx24.medium.com/) | [Documentation](https://cx24.io/whitepaper.pdf) | [Github](https://github.com/clockx24) | Smart Contract | [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4GvfpAF55seSaR73C_sLRQ) | [Contact](http://info@cx24.io/)