Will Smith Smack Token – Will Smith unleashes a smack every time someone buys. Every smack is taxed with a portion being donated to BullyingCanada (an anti-bullying charity organization in Canada) Experienced team, previous projects made it into the millions. Ownership renounced. LP locked. Let’s work together and see how much can be raised and donated!
The token is simple and needs little explanation. But in case you just woke up –
This token is made to capitalize on the recent Oscar news/buzz where Will Smith got his ego hurt and assaulted Chris Rock over a joke. This was followed by Chris Rock taking the high road and not escalating the situation further. Will Smith was then treated as if he did nothing wrong in a room full of people. That’s not okay. Bully’s need to be told when they’re acting out and to stop. That’s why we want to raise more awareness and donate proceeds of this project to [www.bullyingcanada.com](https://www.bullyingcanada.com/)
The tokenomics are simple
100,000,000,000 tokens
10% Sell Tax
8% goes to [www.bullyingcanada.com](https://www.bullyingcanada.com/)
2% goes to Liquidity
Liquidity is LOCKED
This is a simple meme token that is being used to generate money for anti-bullying charities.
Will Smith’s actions and the lack of response from those around him were garbage and not acceptable.
Come join us in [https://t.me/WillSmithSmack](https://t.me/WillSmithSmack)